Cannon Alpha

New cannon: Alpha Cannon. Long range, high damage, low rate of fire. Now avaible from the start. Needs bullets only.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g useless

4 years ago

I've tried this and I'm disappointed: This cannon can't stand a single biter.

4 years ago

It was pretty good balanced for version 0.15.
If you can say me better balance parameters for 0.17-0.18, say me about it.

4 years ago

I'm playing 0.17 with space exploration mod, but I don't know anything about modding this game, so I can't give you suitable data. But I've build 1 cannon and have decoyed only 1 biter and the turret didn't survive that.

4 years ago

It was about twice slower than the normal turret, less effective by short distances, but much effektiver by long distances than standard ammo turret.

4 years ago

...maybe. But I have the impression that biters/spitters in space exploration are much more aggressive (??) and I need only weapons that kill them reliably. Nevertheless: Happy gaming !

4 years ago

I can add extra balance for specified mods, but nor for all of them.
Please write me the list of mods / attach the "empty" save game file for mod sync.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

can you up date it for 1.0 and 2.0 beter graphics

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