CaitSith2's Krastorio and Space Exploration Tweaks deprecated

Krastorio and Space Exploration Tweaks by CaitSith2.

3 years ago
3 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.4 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
460 users

The following tweaks are made.


vanilla beacon - 500kw power, 15 module slots, 50% transmission effectivity
Advanced beacon - 2mw power, 30 module slots, 200% transmission effectivity
Wide Area Beacon - 2mw power, 25 module slots, 75% transmission effectivity
Wide Area Beacon 2 - 10mw power, 50 module slots, 100% transmission effectivity.

Additionally, vanilla beacons are now allowed in space.

Additionally, if Beacons but Better is installed, its allow productivity modules in beacons setting is applied to the krastorio/space exploration beacons.


While each tier requires 3 modules of the previous tier, each tier outputs 3 modules rather than 1. Also, each tier has a crafting time of 1.6^tier. (tier 9 takes 68 seconds to craft.)


Electrolysis plant has 5x crafting speed
Filtration plant has 4x crafting speed
Atmospheric condenser has 2x crafting speed.
Crusher has 2x crafting speed.
Mining drill mk3 has 2x mining speed, 6 module slots, and consumes 300kw of power.
Core mining drill stacks to 5, and has 4x mining speed.


Space platform scaffold recipe produces 10 units.
Space platform plating recipe produces 10 units.
Spaceship floor recipe produces 10 units.
Recipes for the stone version of landfill, and the sand+water version of landfill produces 10 units each. pure sand recipe intentionally left at 1 unit as a way to consume stone quickly.

Intermediate products

Heat shielding recipe produces 5 units.
Low Density Structure recipe, with and without beryllium produces 5 units.
All rocket-fuel recipes reverted to pre space-exploration-postprocess 0.5.27.

Teleportation Techs

Portals now unlocks early
Teleporters now unlocks early

Mining Drones and Transport Drones

Mining Depots can now be used in space to directly mine space resources such as Water Ice, Methane Ice and Naquim
Transport drone roads can now be constructed directly on Empty space, without the intermediate step of first constructing scaffold or plating, since you would get those back anyways.


Add Sand-Water landfill recipe when playing only space exploration
Re-add the Hydrogen atmospheric condensation recipe when playing SE-K2.