Q's Cable-Making Mod

Mod that improves crafting of Copper Cable

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Loading Error

7 years ago

I'm getting an error on loading the CableMaking mod and hope you can help me find a solution. I've used the mod in a previous version of Factorio and found it very useful.

My specs are as follows:
-Factorio v. 0.15.37 (Build 30927,Win64,Steam)
-OS Windows 10, 64-bit
-Screen resolution 1920x1080

The error says, "Error Loading Mods Failed to load mods:The given sprite rectangle (left_top=0x0,right_bottom=64x64) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0,right_bottom=32x32). Sprite name:CableMaking/Graphics/copper-cable3.png

Mods to be disabled:
-Orbital Ion Cannon
-The Fat Controller

With the CableMaking mod removed,all other mods work perfectly.

Any ideas how I can solve this issue?

7 years ago

I just saw your error report earlier today. I will look into it. I'm very busy, so it might take me a while though.

7 years ago

Thanks, Awesome...appreciate any guidance to get it working in my production lines.

7 years ago

I'm sill working on fixing the mod...
Do you have any idea which mods might be causing the conflict?
Does my mod work on its own, without other mods?
Is there a specific combination you've tried that works or fails?
Any hunches you have will be appreciated. Thank you.

7 years ago

Hopefully version 1.1.3 fixes your error. Please let me know if it works or if it doesn't.

7 years ago

I downloaded 1.3 and got the same error message, with a list of mods to be disabled. I disabled all of the mods in the list, and CableMaking worked then. Adding back the disabled mods one at a time, I isolated the conflict (naturally it was the last one I tested). The conflict was with Doomquill's "Research queue" mod, which apparently was also the cause of a conflict with the Better Circuits Making mod that I had not been able to get to work previously. With the research queue mod disabled, both Cable-Making and Circuits-Making mods are now working. The research queue is handy, but cables and circuits are more important to me.

Thanks for looking into this. I really find your cable maker useful in late stages when massive amounts of cable are needed for production.

7 years ago

I'm glad you like this.
The Research Queue mod has problems with 32x32 graphics files, unfortunately. I'm going to make a note of that.

Thanks for figuring out which mod conflicted.

New response