CJs QualityOfLife Research 01

by CJ5Boss

No new techs will be added; this will merely be maintained. A new QoL research mod will be released when my major modpack releases.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Config Options + Misc.

5 years ago

Is it possible to get Config Options to Enable/Disable certain researches?

I use Klonan's Crafting Speed Research which is an Infinite Tech,
and I don't want to obscene amounts of Productivity that its available so early and so easily

5 years ago

I will look into it, this would be a big update. Will get back to you when I have more information. Thanks for the suggestion!

5 years ago

So this would be a bit of an issue to complete, and I'm not sure it is something I want to/need to implement right now. For now, just go into the files and delete whichever prototypes/researches you do not want added, then remove the requirement in data.lua. This should remove the research. Also, you will need to go into en.cfg and remove all instances of the research (which shouldn't be hard). If you want to add them back, just redownload the mod, or tell me what researches you do not want and I can send you a custom copy of the mod with the research removed. Thanks!

5 years ago

Yea I don't think this is high priority.. I would rather lab productivity become a thing

5 years ago

https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Aidiakapi/qol_research has extensive settings.

I would appreciate it if other mods of the same category were not advertised on my own, thanks!

5 years ago

Yea I don't think this is high priority.. I would rather lab productivity become a thing

That's a good suggestion, I will look into research for it. I already have lab speed, so the researches would correspond.

5 years ago

I would appreciate it if other mods of the same category were not advertised on my own, thanks!

Uhm. I didn't mean to say that your mod is bad, and if it came across as such, I apologize. But in the spirit of helping users make informed decisions, particularly if they ask for a certain thing you don't plan to add to your mod, I think giving them an overview of what is available is a good idea. Unless modding is some kind of contest I wasn't aware of.

5 years ago

I would appreciate it if other mods of the same category were not advertised on my own, thanks!

Uhm. I didn't mean to say that your mod is bad, and if it came across as such, I apologize. But in the spirit of helping users make informed decisions, particularly if they ask for a certain thing you don't plan to add to your mod, I think giving them an overview of what is available is a good idea. Unless modding is some kind of contest I wasn't aware of.

Understood, however, in order for this mod to stay popular it needs to have consistency and stay in competition with others of its kind. Thanks.

5 years ago

Yea I don't think this is high priority.. I would rather lab productivity become a thing

Your prayers have been answered. I just added this tech to the mod! Please download the new version.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Downloading now! :)

5 years ago

Downloading now! :)

I made the prerequisite the productivity module. If you don't have that research yet then I have other ideas for pre-tech that I can make as the pre-req instead. Let me know.

5 years ago

Ooof... I think lab productivity may be OP

5 years ago

I'm checking it out with creative mode, and at the end of the research its possible to get +290% research productivity... I think at the end it should max out at 100% and no more.

And each research maybe could be toned down to like +5% to +10% incremental as this is research productivity

5 years ago

Good news is because the way you versioned this one:
"0.5.25 -> 0.5.3"

Everyone else is on the old version at the moment which might be a good thing

5 years ago

Good news is because the way you versioned this one:
"0.5.25 -> 0.5.3"

Everyone else is on the old version at the moment which might be a good thing

Yeah, thanks. That's the point of the current beta phase, to test out the total balances. I'll go ahead and release a minor update now. Maybe a 150 cap would be good.

5 years ago

Update is live.

5 years ago

Awesome! Love the mod, maybe whenever you have time a graphics update would be nice.
After all, the below picture doesn't portray hand crafting... It's a factory lol


5 years ago

Awesome! Love the mod, maybe whenever you have time a graphics update would be nice.
After all, the below picture doesn't portray hand crafting... It's a factory lol


Thanks for the positive feedback!

The graphics definitely need an update, it's just something I haven't gotten around to doing yet. Maybe for the next update.

5 years ago

Great, looking forward to it :)

5 years ago

Great, looking forward to it :)

Yup. I'm going to have to find some quality images. Update either tomorrow or the day after.

5 years ago

No rush, these things take time.

I'd much rather have quality ones that also make sense/conform to current factorio tech images. :3

5 years ago

No rush, these things take time.

I'd much rather have quality ones that also make sense/conform to current factorio tech images. :3

Agreed, however, I want these images to be unique instead of just being the same or similar to factorio default images.

New response