CJs QualityOfLife Research 01

by CJ5Boss

No new techs will be added; this will merely be maintained. A new QoL research mod will be released when my major modpack releases.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Inventory Size Research

5 years ago

So currently the total inventory bonus from this mod is +65.
Could you make the last one give a +30 boost so that it's an even +70 slots?

I don't like having a half a bar, it's very annoying.....

5 years ago

Yes. Thank you for pointing this out. The update will be out shortly.

5 years ago

Update is live.

5 years ago

Thanks for changing this!

5 years ago

No problem! In betas right now, I am looking for these kinds of suggestions and improvements. It is much appreciated.

New response