BurnerLeech deprecated

by Klonan

Burner Inserters can take fuel from any entity (ie. furnaces)

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

i Nice !

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Great idea, but after using it, it would be nice to also check the drop_target (in case of an inserter going to a furnace for example)
I like the way you are checking 1 inserter per tick.

EDIT : if I destroy an inserter, there is an error in line 66, burner not exists.

7 years ago

Thanks, i have updated the mod to prevent the crash, and i also found another error in the process

I am waiting on a new LuaEntity.get_fuel_inventory() before i implement transferring fuel into furnaces from furnaces, so its a more general solutions (for mod entities and such)

New response