
by trold

A tool for locating input starved machines.

3 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Mining drill not showing icon

4 years ago

I knot the new drill has a new tiny light, but i'm running this game in 1440p and i cna't see it without zooming to almost the closest levels.
Seems the options still show the option to show an icon but none shows...

4 years ago

I second this. I downloaded this mod to show me when my mining drills were out of resources and have come to love the other features too, but having an option to keep the bottleneck icons on the new mining drills would be greatly appreciated

4 years ago

I'm pretty sure it worked just fine yesterday... I third this, I'm not having the keenest of sights so it's also difficult for me to spot the light on mining drills as well. Also, I don't like when it's inconsistent :P At first I thought the mod broke in it's entirety.

4 years ago

I support this for all the mentioned reasons. I'd like to have the bigger indicator back.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)
  • deleted
4 years ago

I support this. I can't see the little icon on drills unless I zoom in. Mind-boggling why it was removed. Please reverse.

I also support this request. It's very inconsistent and the new lights are hard to see. I have a certain color blindness and the red lights for mining drills without resources are very hard to spot in comparison to the old ones.
Please reverse this change :)

4 years ago

Good point. For color blindness the lights wont work and need the support of the bigger icons, which contain an additional symbol of the state.

4 years ago

Yes, please. Colorblind fellow here. Please consider bringing back the larger icons because otherwise I cannot tell miner status. Appreciate your efforts in bringing us a great mod though.

4 years ago

Another red/green blind guy here, PLEASE, revert this change! Love this mod, especially the icons on miners have been a great help.

4 years ago

I didn't even know the drills had an icon until I read it here, I never noticed it playing on my laptop. Please, please, please bring back big icons!

4 years ago

+1 The small light ion the new model is barely visible when zoomed out.

4 years ago

I would also love to have this back :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry guys, but it seems no update is coming. For all who want to change this for themselves here are the steps to do so.
0) First of all keep in mind that only NEW PLACED electric-mining-drill entities will be affected. Already built entities will not show the bottleneck indicator. So you can also upgrade/downgrade to replace them quickly, if you have other mods with drills active. If you dont want to do that you can stop reading now. :-)

1) Search within the mod zip for the control.lua
2) Around line 54 you find the following block:

["electric-mining-drill"] = true,
["factory-port-marker"] = true,

3) Change it to

["factory-port-marker"] = true

4) Save the change and make sure it is updated in the mod zip. Start the game again.
5) Profit!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry guys, but it seems no update is coming. For all who want to change this for themselves here are the steps to do so.
0) First of all keep in mind that only NEW PLACED electric-mining-drill entities will be affected. Already built entities will not show the bottleneck indicator. So you can also upgrade/downgrade to replace them quickly, if you have other mods with drills active. If you dont want to do that you can stop reading now. :-)

1) Search within the mod zip for the control.lua
2) Around line 54 you find the following block:

["electric-mining-drill"] = true,
["factory-port-marker"] = true,

3) Change it to

["factory-port-marker"] = true

4) Save the change and make sure it is updated in the mod zip. Start the game again.
5) Profit!

If you also change around line 300:

        global.show_bottlenecks = 1


        global.show_bottlenecks = 1

You can then disable the overlay with the hotkey (default ALT+SHIFT+L I think) and then renable it. The rebuild_overlays() call will cause the overlays to be added to everything supported again, in this case also electric mining drills, because we removed them from the blacklist.

4 years ago

Nice 👍

4 years ago

No joy here with these workarounds. When I follow the instructions above, the mod disappears from my mod list altogether. Suggestions?

4 years ago

These steps are working for at least 2 persons. So I suggest to check if you did it right. Take a fresh copy of the mod, since it looks like something got really broken, while you tried to apply the steps.

4 years ago

I followed the steps 3 times w/ a fresh version of the mod each time. Not sure if there's some sort of checksum or difference in zipping algorithm or something (I used the built-in Windows zip functionality as well as 7-zip to zip). Will try again though.

4 years ago

4th time's the charm. Used Notepad to edit this time instead of Notepad++. Notepad++ must have been using special characters or different line feed combination or something.

Thanks for the update though.

4 years ago

Thanks for the code suggestion, this worked great!

4 years ago

I finally had a chance to play factorio again, and as part of this, I rolled back the change that removed the lights. Download mod version 0.11.5 for fix.

4 years ago

Hello trold.
have you check my modification ?

4 years ago

No, sorry, I haven't. From the name, I assumed you just deleted the one line that said drills shouldn't get a light.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

+Drill have light status by Pengwin & HadrionClifton
+ French translation
+ Russian translation
+ i have commented all "normal" icon to keep only "3d" icone
pause are now ⏸yellow
Stop are ❌ red (stop and "nothing to drill " )
Alert are ❗ (when he need ressources)

and i have fixed the changelog.txt format

please Check my modification,
if you can use it, i pass my fork on deprecied.

Dae#5125 on discord
or check my other mods ;)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


4 years ago

hello ?

4 years ago

could push this update ?

New response