
by trold

A tool for locating input starved machines.

3 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g error

5 years ago

Just updated and this appreared.

The mod Bottleneck caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Bottleneck::on_configuration_changed
real number expected got nil.
stack traceback:
Bottleneck/control.lua:83: in function 'new_signal'
Bottleneck/control.lua:110: in function 'built'
Bottleneck/control.lua:142: in function 'rebuild_overlays'
Bottleneck/control.lua:261: in function <Bottleneck/control.lua:244>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
/control.lua:83: in function 'new_signal'
Bottleneck/control.lua:110: in function 'built'
Bottleneck/control.lua:142: in function 'rebuild_overlays'
Bottleneck/control.lua:261: in function <Bottleneck/control.lua:244>

5 years ago

I hit this too, but only when loading a map (0.18 of course), which had been using Bottleneck (and it worked, and the new icons are sweet btw!).

5 years ago

Yeah that's a Bug I introduced and fixed, the next release should contain the fix.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks ^^ I really like the mod

New response