
by trold

A tool for locating input starved machines.

3 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Bottleneck Mod settings swapped after loading other mods.

6 years ago

Sometimes after adding new mods the Settings 'Style for Running:' and 'Style for Stopped:' get swapped in the map tab of this mods Settings dialog. Initially I set 'redsmall' to the 'Style for Running:' option and 'greensmall' for the 'Style for Stopped:' setting. If I exit the game and restart without adding another mod, the settings don't change as expected.
If I add a new mod and restart the game, sometimes the above two options get swapped.
I never saw this in Factorio version 16.x, but this is happening in both versions .17.1 and .17.2.
Changing the settings back work fine until I add another mod and restart the game.

6 years ago

I came here to report this too. Playing on 0.17.2 and adding bobingabout's clock mod ( turns all the green status lights to red. Deactivating the above mod reverts the colours to what they should be.

5 years ago

I think this was fixed. I haven't seen it happen for awhile.

New response