
by trold

A tool for locating input starved machines.

a month ago
0.13 - 2.0

i Colouring Logistics GUI?

7 years ago

Your mod changes requester chests to have the red yellow and green dot on them to tell you about how supplied items are to the chests, a thought prompted by a slightly different suggestion in the forum made me wonder is there a way to continue the granularity could you for example colour the background of logistics slots behind the item to show

Red - Requesting but no more in system (not enough being made)
Yellow - Requesting on route (all needed on the way)
Green - No request necessary (all needed arrived)

This could be in the request slots of requester chests and the player and in the logistic interface under the 'L' key as a way of easily seeing whether there's a bottleneck in the logistic system on the whole

For example if say 1000 circuits are being requested every second and only 800 made it would be Red all the time if it's 1000 requested and 1200 made it'll be mostly yellow and occasionally green

New response