i am in Factorio 0.15.10 and the light didnt match the used colors. i.e. on crafting is now "off" and red for "in crafting".
I checked your source and after changing the index of the colors in the control. lua (increased by 1) everything is fine again.
local LIGHT = {
off = 1,
green = 2,
red = 3,
yellow = 4,
blue = 5,
redx = 6,
yellowmin = 7,
offsmall = 8,
greensmall = 9,
redsmall = 10,
yellowsmall = 11,
bluesmall = 12,
redxsmall = 13,
yellowminsmall = 14,
Did u recognize that? is it just me or might it be a prob with another mod i am using?