Bob's (Updated) Modpack

An updated collection of all of Bob's mods and related.

Mod packs
2 years ago
This mod 34 From other mods 12
Dependency types:
Default 34 Required 20 Conflict 0 Optional 14 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 4.84M
base >= 1.1.0 -
bobassembly 262K
AngelBob 39.5K
AngelBob-Petrochem-Power 8.22K
beautiful_bridge_railway_bob_fix_updated_new 3.62K
bobclasses 94.9K
bobelectronics 245K
bobenemies 248K
bobequipment 228K
bobgems-reloaded 9.37K
bobgreenhouse 174K
bobinserters 345K
boblibrary 397K
boblocale 77.9K
boblogistics 294K
boblogistics-belt-reskin 22.9K
BobLogisticZoneExpanderRadius 7.45K
bobmining 258K
bobmods_gfxtweak 25.5K
bobmods_gfxtweak_ldinc 11.3K
bobmodules 235K
bobores 258K
bobplates 256K
bobpower 266K
bobrevamp 219K
bobscicolorsforomnilib 5.58K
bobtech 235K
bobvehicleequipment 183K
bobwarfare 263K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.5K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.2K
MDbobelectronics 20.4K
reskins-bobs 110K
xcompat_bobvehicleequipment 1.99K
Last dependency data update: 5 hours ago (for v0.0.1)