
by S6X

It adds some stuff, but most importantly it makes the plutonium blue.

a month ago

i About Tints

a month ago

Hi, I really like this mod but I must complain about this- could it be possible to remove the reactor tints?
When using a breeder fuel cell, the whole reactor is tinted blue. This is really distracting and feels unnecessary, as the reactor already has tintable windows.
Additionally, the regular fuel cell reactor appears to have it's windows tinted to the same green it has in vanilla- which wouldn't be a problem for most players, except I installed "Realistic Reactor Glow" specifically to replace the vanilla green with a Cherenkov blue xD
Here's what I mean:
Ideally the regular fuel reactor wouldn't be affected by the mod, and the breeder fuel would glow the same blue you use for the plutonium, but only for the windows instead of the whole reactor.
While on the topic of tints, I really like the integration with "Centrifuge Tint System". However, the plutonium nuclear rocket fuel recipe has no tint and is just white. If it could get a tint, ideally a somewhat different shade of blue than the other plutonium recipes, that would be amazing.
Thanks for the mod otherwise, the orange plutonium was really offputting.

a month ago

saw the changelog, thanks :D

a month ago

0.2.1 should fix these issues!

To be honest I never noticed because I play with always_day set to true a lot of the time. Anyway, you can now set the tinting to "Default" and this mod won't touch the reactor tints at all. I also fixed the inconsistency in brightness between the different fuel types and made that an option as well.

a month ago

I was just a little too fast, so thanks again lol

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