Blueprint Shortcuts

Adds more blueprint shortcuts to make managing blueprints easier.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.1 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
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5 users

Blueprint Shortcuts

Adds a considerable number of shortcuts to make managing blueprints easier.

CTRL-Z: If there is a deconstruction planner in the player's inventory, put it in the player's hand. Otherwise, create one out of thin air and put it in the player's hand.

  • SHIFT-Q: If the player is holding a deconstruction planner, add the entity the player is currently hovering over to the player's deconstruction planner filter. No need to right click on the deconstruction planner and search for the item you want, just hover over an entity, SHIFT-Q a couple of times, and off you go! Also works with ghost entities and items on ground, but not on tiles like stone brick and concrete.
  • SHIFT-G: Toggles entity whitelist/blacklist filter for the deconstruction planner currently in the player's hand.

SHIFT-T: Put a deconstruction planner filtered for trees/rocks only into the player's hand. Upon clearing the planner from the player's hand, it is automatically wiped from the player's inventory. Note that any deconstruction planners filtered for trees/rocks only are wiped from the player's inventory, but this shouldn't be a problem since you have the shortcut.

CTRL-X: Create a new, fresh blueprint and put it in the player's hand. No need to open up the blueprint menu anymore.

CTRL-1 thru CTRL-5, CTRL-SHIFT-1 thru CTRL-SHIFT-5: Get the first, second, ..., tenth blueprint in the player's inventory, starting from the hotbar to the end of the main inventory. This functionality is not fully finished: I plan to add a GUI that will show what blueprints you currently have in your inventory, but this is slightly harder than I expected.

CTRL-C: Summon a copy tool, which can do copy/cut/paste functionality a la FFF #255. Normal selection will do copy paste, and doing alternate selection (hold shift while click-dragging) will do cut and paste. Clearing it from the player's hand will automatically wipe it from the inventory, so no need to worry about it cluttering up the inventory. Do note that the copy tool contents are wiped upon you clearing it from your hand, so don't accidentally clear it from your hand too early.

All shortcuts are configurable in the shortcuts menu, in case there is a control conflict with another mod.

Complements to this mod:

- Comment the code
- Add blueprint hotbar GUI
- Add "clear blueprint/deconstruction planner in hand" functionality