The Blueprint Designer Lab

Enter your lab to design your blueprints. Mod updated for the 4th by daniel90c and minno. Please be gentle, the lab guy has been to places.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Support Space Exploration

4 years ago

Entities like Space Assembling Machine cannot build in lab.

3 years ago

Same issue, is there anyway for us to at least place space scaffolding as a dirt fix?

3 years ago

Same issue, is there anyway for us to at least place space scaffolding as a dirty fix?

3 years ago


@krabbe.chan until this gets fixed, use Blueprint Tools mod ( to add scaffolding under your bp's. And for making space bp's use /editor from within the game

3 years ago

It'd be great if SE things could be used in the lab. To help figure it out, here is the list of SE things I found to not work in the lab:
- Space-only tiles (Scaffold and Plating). Lab doesn't qualify as a space surface.
- Space-only machines. Same as above.
- Cargo Rocket Silos and Landing Pad. While those are not space-only, SE is probably checking if they are placed either in space or on a planet/moon surface. Probably to exclude rocket stuff from being placed on spaceship surfaces.

I have yet to unlock spaceships in my game but I would guess that a bunch of stuff used to make them wouldn't work in the lab either.

3 years ago

Just to add my name that we would love to be able to test Space Exploration stuff. If we could just configure a different tileset rather than Lab Tiles I believe this would suffice.

3 years ago

I meet same problems with SE mod +1

2 years ago

+1 :)

2 years ago

+1, would really appreciate fixing😉

2 years ago

Hi all, I wanted to point out that I'm working on a replacement for this mod that includes Space Exploration support among other features and bugfixes. It's a bit more complicated than suggested here, but I am still prototyping before cleaning up for release. I only wanted to communicate this to say that it is being addressed, and I'll post back here once ready!

2 years ago

That's great news @somethingtohide thank you so much

2 years ago

I must follow up here to announce the release of that mod I was working on! I was able to solve this and a few other "issues" related to Space Exploration.

2 years ago

Thanks to your work @somethingtohide

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