This mod has changed hands so many times. For continuities sake, maybe you should add another maintainer with privileges to add maintainers, someone who will make a commitment to at least hand it off to whoever is willing to maintain it this time. :-)
Yeah, but the previous mod maintainers are AWOL so....I would do it if anyone wants to help.
I can make simple mods that replace things or mod custom turrets etc, but the scripting is something I struggle with.
The mods that I have listed here are the ones I enjoy playing with and are no longer maintained, and I can be sure that I will have a reason to maintain.
I have a commitment to myself to find maintainers for my mods before I go AWOL (if I have a choice in the matter). Maybe I should take my own advice and find someone else who promises to hand it over to the next likely maintainer should I disappear without warning..