The Blueprint Lab - Schoos deprecated

Enter your lab to design your blueprints.

4 years ago

g Crash after pasting blueprint into Lab

4 years ago

Error after placing "big" blueprint into empty lab:

Error while running event BlueprintLab_Bud18::on_built_entity (ID 6)
on_built_entity (ID 6) (6) can't be raised through script.
stack traceback:
BlueprintLab_Bud18/scripts/common.lua:79: in function 'ReviveEntity'
BlueprintLab_Bud18/scripts/lab-effects.lua:87: in function <BlueprintLab_Bud18/scripts/lab-effects.lua:79>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'raise_event'
BlueprintLab_Bud18/scripts/common.lua:79: in function 'ReviveEntity'
BlueprintLab_Bud18/scripts/lab-effects.lua:87: in function <BlueprintLab_Bud18/scripts/lab-effects.lua:79>

Factorio Version: 0.18.29

4 years ago

This is a side-effect of the script event changes in 0.18.28 (or .27); just came here to report the same thing, so this is mostly my "subscribe for updates" :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I took the on upon my self to update the mod even if I don't know much of programming . I don't know how much will it last but for 0.18.31 it is working!
If this mod has an update I will delete my version of it

4 years ago

Thank you for your commitment, @daniel90c

New response