Black Market (sell and buy on the market) deprecated

Sell and buy items/fluids/energy on the universal black market using trading chests/tanks/accumulators, choosing the frequency of exchanges and related fees. You can now sell your overproduction and buy things that you don't want to craft by yourself. You can also use these trading units as a paying shipment system.

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17.1

g Cash Record

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Please post a screenshot if you have very large amounts of u coins / cash with this mod.
more than 400,000,000 please though.
I think the endless resource mod should be allowed, but NO other mods.
The goal is to see what the record is so I (or anyone else) can try to set it.

I'm at 1,558,000,000 and earned 197,000,000 in the last game day.
Also what would the record for rockets be?
I'm at 2 but I'm not really going for rockets.

5 years ago

Now I'm over 2,000,000,000 (2 billion)

New response