Black Market (sell and buy on the market) deprecated

Sell and buy items/fluids/energy on the universal black market using trading chests/tanks/accumulators, choosing the frequency of exchanges and related fees. You can now sell your overproduction and buy things that you don't want to craft by yourself. You can also use these trading units as a paying shipment system.

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17.1

g This mod and bobs power

6 years ago

I believe these mods together are broken. I legit spent the first part mining tin and selling it in bulk and making like a hundred thousand for a few stacks. Then from there I bought a nuclear power plant and what's required to set up one of those and then a selling accumulator and then I had a near inf money supply as I made more money than I lost from buying uranium cells. So I set up a bunch of accumulators selling things and I started selling off around 250 mws which added up to around a million every turn on the selling things allowing me to become a multimillionaire. Mind you this is within two to three hours of playing. Also note due to the nuclear reactor producing like no pollution I didn't see the biters till around eight hours later when I had over 500 mill. But they were the weakest biters and here's me with end game gear with the mk6 power armor and the final upgrade of the personal laser defense and etc.

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