Based on Bio Industries 2.0.2 by TheSAguy
Heavily stripped down version of Bio Industries. This version only contains wood production, cokery and optionally bio chemistry (toggle in mod options)
I wanted a mod to produce vanilla items differently and greenly, especially coal and oil based products. But Bio Industries tries to put too many things in at once, which don't really have any connection with each other and should be seperate mods that plug in as modules if they use mod ingredients. I didn't want any vanilla recipe changes or any of those additional buildings, so I stripped it down to what I wanted. This is mainly for personal use, so don't expect any maintenance from me.
In detail it includes:
Producing seeds from wood, with water, ash or fertilizer
Producing saplings from seed, with water, ash or fertilizer
Producing wood from saplings, with water, ash or fertilizer
Producing charcoal, ash, coal and coke in the cokery
Producing fertilizer and advanced fertilizer
Optional bio chemistry:
Making biomass to produce a variety of normally oil based products, including light oil and petroleum, batteries and sulphur
Does NOT include:
Stone crusher + crushed stone, as crushed stone was only used in one recipe (replaced with stone)
Wood buildings (wood fence, wood big poles, wood pipes, wood rails)
Bio Garden (pollution reduction)
Bio Solar Mat and Bio Solar Power Plant
Bio Cannon
Vanilla recipe changes for rails, concrete, etc
Vanilla stack size changes
* New greenhouse graphics
* Added Biomass to Lubricant recipe
* Initial release