Bio Industries

Provides useful buildings and items, like the Bio Farm for growing trees. Solar Farm and Large Accumulator to make your electric setup easier. Bio Fuel section to produce organic plastic and batteries. Lots of New Wood Products, like the big electric pole, wooden pipes, dart turret. Plant trees using seedlings. Change terrain from deserts to grasslands using Fertilizer - helps trees grow better. And a lot more… Please visit the homepage on the forums for more information and feedback.

9 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Hide rails, pipes and wooden powerpoles

1 year, 6 days ago

Is it possible to get the option to hide
-wooden pipes
-alternative rails/bridges
-wooden power poles
in the game menu?
I tried myself, but i did not get it to work.
If there is an obvious solution to hiding those recipes that i just don't know, please tell me!

And thank you very much for your great work!

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Is it possible to get the option to hide
-wooden pipes
-alternative rails/bridges
-wooden power poles
in the game menu?

Not really, I'm not interested in adding new stuff to the current branch of BI. There was some effort on a huge overhaul, and hopefully I'll find the time to resume work on it. If it ever gets ready, this will have the option to toggle many items.

I tried myself, but i did not get it to work.
If there is an obvious solution to hiding those recipes that i just don't know, please tell me!

I've tried to comment out everything related to wooden products and got the game to load without an error. This is a radical way and it may or may not disable more than you've hoped for. If you want to walk that path, here's what to do:

In data.lua:
- Comment out lines 73-79 (the block starting with --- Wood Products).

In data-updates.lua, comment out:
- lines 23 (----Update the Wood Pipe Images) to 105 (before the block starting with -- Damage Bonus to Ammo)
- lines 161-169 (the block starting with --- Wood Floors)
- lines 658-672 (---- Game Tweaks ---- Disassemble Recipes)
- line 816 (require("prototypes.Wood_Products.rail_updates"))

In data-final-fixes.lua, comment out
- lines 327-334 (from "bi-wooden-pole-big" to "bi-wooden-chest-giga")

You can put "--" (without the quotes) at the start of a single line to comment it. Alternatively, you can use multi-line comments by putting "--[[" (again, without the quotes) before the first and "--]]" (ditto) after the last line you want to comment. Happy hacking! :-D

And thank you very much for your great work!

You're welcome!

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