Please note that the fuel values for non-nuclear fuels in v0.17 have been reduced.
It is just really funny to me that 4 MJ of raw wood (2 wood) can be turned into a wood fence that burns for 12 MJ, or 6 pulp that burns for 12 MJ. It wasn't as bad when the 2 wood was worth 8 MJ, but it was still silly, at least in the case of the fence. I enjoy a bit of cheesing in my games, but this is too much cheese.
When coal was still worth 8 MJ, turning charcoal into coal would result in a little bit of energy loss (-8 MJ) with Coal Processing 2, and a little bit of energy gain (+8 MJ) with Coal Processing 3. Now it results in a loss of 40 MJ and then 32 MJ. I doubt that was your intention, right?
Oh and the normal boiler is now 100% efficient, while the Bio boiler is 75% efficient, which isn't a big deal since the Bio Boiler has half the pollution output and there are plenty of power options available anyway (looking at you solar farms :) and charcoal), but you might want to take another look at that, too.