Bio Industries

Provides useful buildings and items, like the Bio Farm for growing trees. Solar Farm and Large Accumulator to make your electric setup easier. Bio Fuel section to produce organic plastic and batteries. Lots of New Wood Products, like the big electric pole, wooden pipes, dart turret. Plant trees using seedlings. Change terrain from deserts to grasslands using Fertilizer - helps trees grow better. And a lot more… Please visit the homepage on the forums for more information and feedback.

6 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Bots won't place tiles?

6 years ago

Hey, I've been in the process of building a massive base for a while now and I've just come across your mod now. I had hundreds of thousands of concrete already placed and thought it would be a great idea to place your solar flooring instead. The only problem is that the bots are now refusing to place the tiles(That are ghosted). Construction robots before were placing concrete in the latest part of the factory so maybe that has something to do with the problem? They won't place any type of tile as well not just the solar mats. I'd seriously appreciate some help thanks!:)

6 years ago

To add bots in the personal roboports have no issue and place the tiles in my inventory in the place of the ghosts.

6 years ago

I just did a little testing and all seems fine. Can you send me a save with the issue?

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