Bio Industries

Provides useful buildings and items, like the Bio Farm for growing trees. Solar Farm and Large Accumulator to make your electric setup easier. Bio Fuel section to produce organic plastic and batteries. Lots of New Wood Products, like the big electric pole, wooden pipes, dart turret. Plant trees using seedlings. Change terrain from deserts to grasslands using Fertilizer - helps trees grow better. And a lot more… Please visit the homepage on the forums for more information and feedback.

6 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Why does it feel like this mod is trying to be everything that is already done?

7 years ago

Some good additions, but why all these which could be added separately or have already been added in better mods?

Game Tweaks:
Tree Collision box made smaller
Loot Pickup Distance x2
Slightly faster running.
Burner-mining-drill and Steel-furnace disassemble recipe

7 years ago

Well, true, so you have the option to turn those off in the mods settings and get the other mods.

7 years ago

Isn't it, like, a major compatibility issue with those other mods?

7 years ago

I'm personally afraid to install this mod for all that it attempts to do.

7 years ago

If you have Tweaks turned on, you will probably not install the other mods that do the same.

7 years ago

I will try this mod on a new save where all I use is THIS mod and make an assessment. I keep seeing it being updated and has lots of downloads, so I have an interest although an abated one.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Heh, if you wanna see a mod trying to do everything, look no further than Picker Extended lmao. It's been absorbing so many other small mods that have nothing to do with picker functionality by this point X3

This mod really doesn't add/change all that much; just combines a few wood-related mods (power pole, fence, floor, etc) and a way to produce wood, along with some upgraded coal -> coke coal related stuff. It's nothing as game-changing as bobs or angels or anything.

Personally, I only use it as an alternative to bob's greenhouse (mainly because I'm more used to this mod) and all the wooden recipes. Though I would recommend disabling the accumulator and solar panel, if using bobs, or any similar mods that include upgraded accumulators and solar panels.

7 years ago

personally, i find the wooden pipes to be amazing :-p

I enjoyed puzzling out the ratios and the different ways to make what is necessary and while i'm quite sure i've not found an optimum yet, its nice to have ways other than just oil for things.

Being able to manage pollution is an excellent mechanic as it is really incentivized by the impact of so many chunks being active on ups.

All around its an enjoyable mod.

on the thread of mods blobbing out and absorbing other mods.. end game combat comes to mind :-p

6 years ago

I think this mod is great! I have like 50 mods installed and have no issues. I love the accumulators, major points for saving a lot of energy! Also the wood is great for making a lot of Cordite from Bobs weapon mod. Lots of gems in this mod, you really did a great job! I wouldn't listen to Pyro, he sounds like a nitpicking troll to me.
Great Job!

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