Bio Industries

Provides useful buildings and items, like the Bio Farm for growing trees. Solar Farm and Large Accumulator to make your electric setup easier. Bio Fuel section to produce organic plastic and batteries. Lots of New Wood Products, like the big electric pole, wooden pipes, dart turret. Plant trees using seedlings. Change terrain from deserts to grasslands using Fertilizer - helps trees grow better. And a lot more… Please visit the homepage on the forums for more information and feedback.

6 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Nitrogen wont load into Chemical plant to make Fertilizer

8 years ago

Nitrogen has been piped up to the Chemical plant but the Chemical plant wont register that its there to make fertilizer was forced to download item generator to get fertilizer.

8 years ago

Also Liquid CO wont register in the bioreactor either so can't make Biomass.

8 years ago

I just tested both and I don't see any issues.
Both the Nitrogen and Liquid CO worked. They were both at 25C and went into the respective recipes with my testing.

8 years ago

This should be fixed with the latest Factorio version 0.14.4.

New response