
Produce science packs and rocket parts using biological and renewable materials

7 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Thank you! Well done work

7 years ago

Thank you for this mod! I am first time "messing" arround with Bob and Angel 's mods and... boy that sure is kinda frustating (in a pleasent, masochistic way!) sometimes.
So i stumbled across BioTech and i thought; Hallelulja! This de-stresses a LOT in early game.
It is, kinda cheating, if you put it that way, that you ignore the rather complex produtionline of bob, but i am actually grateful for this opportunity.
If i get a hand on everything later,i can go back anytime.

I hope this does not sound offending to you.

It was the intention to be a little cheaty in comparison to vanilla factorio, by getting resources from thin air, without being masochistic. I'm also a bit a covert tree hugger and think that low pollution industrialization should be simple :)

2 years ago

This is exactly why we love this mod. My brother and I are also lowkey tree huggers. We have been building biotech factories around normal factories to soak up the pollution. Such a great mod!!!
I'd love to contribute to the Biotech fund if you have one!

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