Big Brother Bob's plugin

by Tron842

Bob's radars and big poles can now affect by Big Brothers research. Energy values have been rescaled to account for the new changes as well. Credit to Afforess

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Issue with map mode

3 years ago

I have an full coverage of my Factory with radars and often use the functionalitys in Map Mode. But after installing this Mod, i can see my factory in Map mode, but when i try to zoom in there are no clear sight to the maschines. All is light dark. So i can't use the normal functionalies as copy - paste, blueprints and so on in this mode.

3 years ago

I don't make any changes to the way radars work with this mod. Unfortunately I cannot provide any insight as to why this is happening at the moment.

New response