Big Brother Bob's plugin

by Tron842

Bob's radars and big poles can now affect by Big Brothers research. Energy values have been rescaled to account for the new changes as well. Credit to Afforess

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Dead ?

4 years ago

Is there going to be an update or someone else that can take over? just am not as i can't code !

4 years ago

I will see if I can update it over the weekend. (I had completely forgot about the mod until you pinged me) If someone wanted to take it over I would be fine with that as well since I havent realy been playing factorio

4 years ago

tanks for the reply. Have no idea of any, so u might ask around. glad for the update.

4 years ago

Honestly it seems to work just fine as is. Just needs to have the factorio version updated.

4 years ago


4 years ago

just asking if u have forgotten about the mod fix ?

4 years ago

Still Dead :C ?

4 years ago

This mod is a must, and bob's mod too... would you please update it? Thanks!

4 years ago

1.1.xx is the recent factorio version also stable

3 years ago

Sorry about the massive delay. Life has been crazy. I updated the versioning to 1.1 and ran a few quick tests and did not see any issues. That said both bob's and Big brother have had some major updates since I originally wrote this compatibility so I would not be surprised if something is broken and yet to be found. Thank you for the patience everyone.

3 years ago

Thanks for the progress here, I hope everything turns out all right for you. I'll test it as soon as I get some time too...

New response