Big Brother Bob's plugin

by Tron842

Bob's radars and big poles can now affect by Big Brothers research. Energy values have been rescaled to account for the new changes as well. Credit to Afforess

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Radar MK2

6 years ago

Hi there, is it working as intended that the Vision range of the MKII Radar is smaller than the MKI Radar? I just replaced my MKI with a MKII and did the Red Science based Big Brother Techs, the MKI has a 1 tile bigger Vision Range than the MKII

6 years ago

No that would not be working as intended. I haven't had a chance to play Factorio in a while so I'm not too sure if something has changed. I will try to look into this soon when I get some free time.

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