Big Brother

Big Brother - Research radar upgrades in amplification, efficiency, and surveillance capabilities. Create the ultimate surveillance state.

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Bob`s Compatible

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

There was a patch made for your mod to work with Bob`s Mods. Sadly it wasnt updated. Is it possible that you include a bobs patch tight into the base mod?! Thank you and really great work!

7 years ago

I'll take a look - I definitely want compatibility.

7 years ago

Nice. Thank you!

7 years ago

I don't play with Bob's mods much ... I think I have compatibility working, but I'd like some testers. Can you test with this release?

See for installing mods manually:

7 years ago

I tested this, and your research is causing all radars to use the same amount of power and scanning at the same speed. Bob's progression is 300, 450, 600, 750, 900. At max research, Big Brother 0.5.0 makes them all 975. I suspect the intended result was 975, 1462.5, 1950, 2437.5, 2925. The range research is working, though the max research has a radius difference of only 2 chunks per Bob's tier - I don't know if that was intended because it seems like a small difference relative to the range.

BTW I love this mod, being able to get radar coverage without radar spam is so convenient. Thanks!

6 years ago

There are dependencies zu Natural Evolution Building and Bio_Industries because there are also radar-based buildings, which suddenly have big-brother-radars.
Compatibility to Bob's Warfare (radar tiers) is not given: only big-electric-poles tier 1 works for surveillance-2.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I put together a version that seems to work, but I've not extensively tested it.
Fair warning, it has a couple balance changes in addition to functionality.
Close scanning range goes up by 1 instead of 2 per amplification level.
Long distance range increase scales with radar level.
(these changes are both to make the difference between tiers of radar larger and smoother)
power cost increase is scaled to each radar's base cost

I used assorted code from

-edit: fixed broken link
-edit: fixed higher tier radars getting replaced with mk1

5 years ago

Hey there. Has this change to make the mod more integrated with bob's been put into the current version on the mod portal? I noticed it's the same version, but I'm not sure whether it's just some different fork with the same version number. Thank you for working towards integrating with bob's, it's also been a bit weird to skip the higher level radars in favor of the upgraded regular ones :) Cheers

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