Better Train Horn

This mod is an updated version of Benjamin Lee's TrainHorn mod Original Description: Trains will now blare their horn after killing a player (sound by CrazyWashingtonianTrainNut on freesound)

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Artillery wagon

3 years ago

If the player gets killed by an artillery wagon no train horn is played. I believe you would just have to add the following to line 3 of control.lua:

or event.cause.type == 'artillery-wagon'
3 years ago

Right, that appears to be a complete oversight on my part. Fixing that soon!

3 years ago

Very nice! Thanks for the funny mod. It is always a pleasure when someone gets overrun :)

3 years ago


I'm sorry it took me so long. I forgot to write down that I needed to add the change.
Mod has been updated now and a horn should now play when run over by the artillery wagon.

Again sorry and thank you for using the mod!


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