AyrAs Basic Kit

by AyrA.ch

Mod for the 'No crafting' challenge without the need for new items. It will disable all sort of hand crafting in the game and replaces your starter inventory with the 3 basic items needed to bootstrap everything.

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Improvements for your player inventory management

7 years ago

I know you don't technically need it, because your mod barely does anything with the inventory, however the game will automatically place things in the correct slots if you change how you're inputting things into the inventory.

I started with your mod and made my own on top of it, so just take a look at my version if you want to see. I'll copy and paste the bit of code I changed that made inventory much better though;

--Add items from the 'kit' table
for i,v in pairs(kit) do


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