Im currently at a point where i have 1.5 million white bottles so everything is more or less researched, all thats left are the items which can be increased in level like longer range, more firepower, braking force, robots move faster.
The mod can be seen ingame both in research window and when i check accepted equipment for the suit so the first impression i got was that this mod relies on another mod which i dont have but when i checked this mod seems to be stand alone
the mods currently active, i have a couple of robot related mods maybe a conflict between them?
1k bullet turret
advanced furnaces
armoured biters
atomic artillery
auto deploy destroyes
base mod
bigger ore stacks
combagt robot overhaul
dragon industries
early robots
endgame combat
endless resources with full yeild
ethernal day
factorio library
factorio extended plus core
long range radar for factorio 1.1.x
longer range laser turret
merging chests
no wall repair
power armor mk3
rampant industries
repair turret
squek through
turrent range buff
ultimate belts
water well(pump free water from the ground)