Auto Deploy Destroyers

Automatically deploys destroyer drones based on enemies around the player

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0
Combat Armor

b Editor Extensions crash

4 years ago

got the following error while attempting to create a new game with the Editor Extensions Testing scenario

The mod Auto Deploy Destroyers (1.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Auto_Deploy_Destroyers::on_configuration_changed
Expected LuaPlayer, index, or name.
stack traceback:
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/autodestroy/deployconfig.lua:14: in function 'getDeployConfig'
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/control.lua:23: in function <Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/control.lua:22>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_player_settings'
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/autodestroy/deployconfig.lua:14: in function 'getDeployConfig'
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/control.lua:23: in function <Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/control.lua:22>

4 years ago


Thanks for reporting this bug.
It looks like a recent addition in my mod was not tested in games where you don't control a character (player).

If you intend to use the Editor Extensions mod in editor mode only (so not switching between normal and edit mode), you can just disable my mod as it only works for controllable characters.

In any case i will try to fix it in the coming days.

4 years ago

Should be fixed in version 1.0.1

New response