Auto Deploy Destroyers

Automatically deploys destroyer drones based on enemies around the player

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0
Combat Armor

b Crash in 1.0 in spidertron

4 years ago

Factorio 1.0
Entered spidertron and took a step:

The mod Auto Deploy Destroyers (0.1.9) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Auto_Deploy_Destroyers::on_tick (ID 0)
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/autodestroy/deploycapsule.lua:194: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'abs' (number expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'abs'
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/autodestroy/deploycapsule.lua:194: in function 'isDispatchAllowed'
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/autodestroy/deploycapsule.lua:20: in function 'checkAndDeployFor'
Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/control.lua:16: in function <Auto_Deploy_Destroyers/control.lua:12>

4 years ago


Thanks for reporting this bug.
It looks like the new Spidertron does not have a value for it's "Speed" attribute.

I added a workaround for this in version 1.0 of the mod.
Hope that solves it :)


4 years ago

Thanks, it doesn't crash now.

But spidertron doesn't launch destroyers when I give it the equipment and destroyer capsules in its inventory. :(

4 years ago

Correct, it's a "Personal Destroyer Launcher" equipment. It only works on the player. Sorry :)

4 years ago

Why now though? Is it technically hard to do it for any entity that has equipment grid or is there another reason?
Also would be nice if I could use it to launch other capsules too automatically from character or entity with grid, like spidertron.

4 years ago

It is not technically impossibe, but without rewriting the mod it's not trivial to add currently.
The mod is meant for assisting in personal combat with follower drones (destroyers) only.

For fully remote controlled combat there are surely better options.

New response