Auto Trash

Allows saving of different logistic request setups Enable autotrash only in certain logistic networks Load your spidertron with different setups with a single click Load one or more preset after respawning Trash unrequested items

4 months ago
0.13 - 1.1
Logistic network

b [todo] at_compress does not affect. Spidertron, especially not "trash unrequested items" button

1 year, 3 months ago
  1. When playing a mod like Space Exploration and clicking "trash_unrequested_items" button, on a spidertron, produces a trash list that has many empty slots and it won't produce a complete list. This is inefficient (entire rows are empty) and doesn't actually trash all items (it only covers a large amount of the first items, not the latter items). So i don't think this button works like it was intended.

  2. Performing an /at_compress command doesn't seem to compress the character (nor spidertrons) preset lists.

4 months ago
  1. Indeed, seems to stop at Material Science Pack 4. The empty rows are partially working as intended, though i might remove that eventually.
  2. Works as intended, it removes empty rows from the current configuration in the AutoTrash gui. This way you can make changes and save it under a different/same name

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