Auto Trash

Allows saving of different logistic request setups Enable autotrash only in certain logistic networks Load your spidertron with different setups with a single click Load one or more preset after respawning Trash unrequested items

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1
Logistic network

g Remove all of an item

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

How do I configure Auto Trash to auto-remove all of an item. If I configure it to keep one stack it works for any number over that stack limit but won't take it down to 0. Is it possible to have it remove all? Here's what I have now.

3 years ago

Disregard this post. I figured it out. I moved the bottom slider all the way to the left and it worked. DUH!


3 years ago

Setting Trash to 0 should work.

That being said, i'm not 100% sure if i should consider this as a bug or if i did that intentionally for whatever reason. Maybe i should set it to 0 if the request amount is 0 AND the trash amount is infinite? Right now i only set it if the request amount is greater than 0. Because that allows to not request an item but still allow e.g. max. one stack of it the inventory even with "Trash above requests" active.

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