Atomic Artillery

This mod adds Atomic Artillery shells

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g 1.0 atomic bomb effect?

4 years ago

Hey, since 1.0 launched and updated the atomic bomb detonation, are there any plans to update the shells to also use the new mushroom cloud?

4 years ago

we NEED the new effect :D

4 years ago

Was going to say...

4 years ago

I third this request.

4 years ago

Just updated it, sorry it took so long, I haven't touched Factorio in years so figuring out what needed to be done when I finally found a bit of spare time was a bit of a headache.

4 years ago

thanks a lot for the effort..... can you also fix the sound effect? it's still the old one 😁

4 years ago

it's definitely the new sound effects, at least on my end.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

My experience of testing in sandbox has been the new sounds playing on the first few shots fired, then either playing the old explosion sound with the new aftershock sound, or just the old explosion sound by itself. It seems like it might have something to do with the distance of the explosion from the camera or the artillery piece.

4 years ago

that's odd, it's using the exact same effect as the atomic bomb in the base game, the LUA for it is a copy-paste job.

4 years ago

Hmm... could be a vanilla bug, if it is an issue with explosion distance from shooter, since normally you only have short range rockets to use as nukes.

New response