Atomic Artillery

This mod adds Atomic Artillery shells

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Is this mod actively supported?

5 years ago

It's listed as incompatible with v0.17 which just dropped a few days ago. I've found no forum thread or other means of asking this, but the most recent activity seems like it was many months ago. Any possibility that this mod will be revisited?

5 years ago

Sorry, I've been extremely lazy and someone handily updated it for me, I'll be pushing his update right now!

5 years ago

can I make an adaptation of your mod that adds a plutonium artillery shell?

5 years ago

The difference, for in-game purposes, being what? I recognize that uranium and plutonium are vastly different irl, my question is as to the Factorian scope.

5 years ago

Well for me the idea comes from the plutonium energy mod it adds a more powerful nuclear bomb, the plutonium bomb this would simply be an extension of that mod making an a more powerfull artilley shell of the plutonium bomb just as you did with the atomic bomb, I was also thinking of making it destroy cliffs also a more of a late game utility weapon, biter and tree killer. it would only add the plutonium artillery, and add a later game alternative once one begins producing plutonium. I find that the artillery nukes far more useful that the rocket versions. Kind of how in the real world 115 pounds of uranium yielded 16kt where 11 pounds of plutonium yielded 21kt in the 1945 bombing so I feel it would make sense to add a more powerful artillery shell to mirror that effect

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Sorry, I don't get any kind of notifications about messages here, so I only check semi-regularly.

can I make an adaptation of your mod that adds a plutonium artillery shell?

Absolutely you can, you can do what you like with this mod.

5 years ago

thank you,

New response