Atomic Artillery

This mod adds Atomic Artillery shells

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Map Update

6 years ago

It doesn't seem like the map updates correctly for bases destroyed by the fire blast wave. Guessing limitation in Factorio that you may need to trigger the update on the affected entities somehow?

5 years ago

That is because the "radar" component is in the fired shell, once it hits the ground, you no longer get updates.
The only way to fix this is probably to kill everything right in the moment of impact instead of in an cascading explosion.
Indeed it seems someone tried exactly that in a fork of this mod:

5 years ago

Yeah, it's a shame that the options are either having it look cool or having it update the map. I prefer it looks cool, perhaps there might be a way to actually force a map update for that area but I'm not much a of a modder so if anyone figures that out they're welcome to give me a shout.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

You can have the artillery shell detonation trigger scripts, including charting. I'm not sure how to obtain the proper force for charting (to handle all cases such as PvP), and it might need a delay (though charting creates a certain time of visibility, it might not last long enough in every case).

Similar logic here:

5 years ago

sadly it use to work correctly in .16 it would show you the whole explosion even if it didn't update the fog of war correctly

5 years ago

it's finally fixed, no thanks to me because I haven't got a clue what I'm doing to be honest.

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