Asteroid Mining

by Silari

Allows sending rockets into space to mine for asteroid bits, which can be refined into raw materials for infinite ores. Includes all 5 vanilla ores, plus Bob's Ores and Angel's support. Now with partial Krastorio 2 support. Advanced Mode (in beta) allows generating resource patches for mining using gathered materials, with rates based on the ore generation settings of the surface. Support for multiple surfaces is included, along with Space Exploration support.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Extremely low spawning rate [Advanced Mode]

1 year, 1 day ago

I have found myself curious why does it take so extremely long to get spawns of resources around Asteroid Targeter using advanced mode. We currently have multiple targeters, split per resource, with more than a 100 000 units of each resource still waiting for spawn. Unfortunately for some reason the chunks are either not spawned or take very long periods before they spawn (and yes, Targeters are set for ore with value 1, and I double checked - they are all online.

Are there any commands that would help with debugging of this issue?

11 months ago

All targeters should be spawning ore every 60 seconds. By default, it spawns one tile of 500 resources. You can up that with one of the runtime settings, with a max of 1000.

11 months ago

Thank You very much for response. I will have to verify why does it not do just that, as intended. The spawning currently is limited to one piece of ore of expected type on top left corner of the targeter. For completely unfocused targeter it is also not working correctly as one of targeters spawned 3 pieces of ore, and that'd be it.

I can only assume either a bug in a save or an issue with mod conflict.

Also - thank You for this mod, I like playing around with it.

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