Asteroid Mining

by Silari

Allows sending rockets into space to mine for asteroid bits, which can be refined into raw materials for infinite ores. Includes all 5 vanilla ores, plus Bob's Ores and Angel's support. Now with partial Krastorio 2 support. Advanced Mode (in beta) allows generating resource patches for mining using gathered materials, with rates based on the ore generation settings of the surface. Support for multiple surfaces is included, along with Space Exploration support.

19 days ago
1.0 - 2.0

b [DONE] Space Exploration exploit

2 years ago

So I'm using this mod alongside SE, and every time I launch a space probe rocket, your mod refunds me the space probe rocket. That wouldn't be a problem, except it's doing that when I'm launching other payloads and NOT the mining modules this mod provides, allowing me to insert a single space probe rocket into a probe rocket silo and launching it over and over again - I'm still using the payloads from SE and getting the outputs, thankfully, but... Can you add a check that only starts the refund if I'm launching one of your mining modules?

2 years ago

It's supposed to do that, but the check for an invalid surface overrides everything so it never does. Should be fixed in 0.9.14 so it only activates on an invalid surface if every item sent is an advanced mining item.

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