Assembling Machine Zero

Adds smaller assembly variants using fewer ingredients and crafting quicker.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

b Assembly Machine Z Sprite bug

7 years ago

Weird vibration when crafting

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

That's an odd bug, I'll have a look into it, just seen the bug myself, I wonder why I hadn't noticed it yet, probably the way I resized was bad, will try the vanilla sprites since they have a different spacing than the ones I worked with, thanks or the heads up!

I realize I should have calculated the sprite coordinates by hand than adjusting it by eye, currently reduced the vibration to a single sprite on the height coordinate, will see how I can fix that too, probably need to pick the old graphics and calculate sprite size

anyway currently fixing it and also improving the quality of the animations, just testing different coordinates to center it properly going to upload soon

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