Assembler Assay

by Mylon

Assemblers occasionally break and need to be serviced. Adds maintenance and attrition to assemblers with various options for increased difficulty.

1 year, 5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Refubisher Suggestions

1 year, 6 months ago
  • The Refubisher should probably be spelled Refurbisher, as it is in the mod desc? The tech is also listed as 'Refubishing'.
  • Also suggest having Steel Processing as a pre-req, since you need to steel to build it anyway.

I'm going to make a small mod to adjust these, but will deprecate it if it's changed in your mod as that would be best for all concerned.

1 year, 5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback! Good catch on the typo. I'll definitely fix that.

For the tech, I'll copy the pre-reqs from Automation 2 since the recipe also copies the assembler 2 recipe.

New response