Assembler UPSGrade

by Kingdud

Provides Application Specific factories to reduce the entity count on megabase maps. Compression ratio is configurable. IE: you can decide to have each building be equivilant to 25 assemblers, or 1000. The recipes/costs/results/etc will all scale accordingly.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Factorio 2.0 Support?

a month ago

Is there an ETA on support for 2.0?

a month ago

Right now I'm (very slowly) working through Space Age. I haven't left Nauvis yet, and have spent the past few hours working on a tile-able nuclear power design I like. I figure one of two things will happen:

  1. I make it to a point where my PC can't handle the number of entities anymore, and I end up needing to revive my UPS and ASIFs in order to consolidate.
  2. I finish the game, and decide "that was fun, but now to do it my way".

Quality adds an interesting dimension to things. I need to play with that before I really decide on anything. I also need to get to later game (I know I could cheat, but spoilers / the fun of discovery) to really understand what is needed and what isn't. The #1 reason I created this mod was modules. The module ASIFs aren't (probably) going away, but I suspect adding a quality module ASIF and playing around with beacons surrounding productivity vs quality get the idea. I need to play with a bunch of ideas and see what works/is dumb, and add settings where it makes sense.

So...a while. Months or longer. But! Part of why I made the source code available for all my mods is so you can do what I did: read through it, learn how it works, and make your own mods. I'm part of a much older generation of the internet, where we tinkered with things to teach ourselves. Sure, not everyone has every skill (look at my godawful attempts at blender + artwork for the nuclear UPSgrade mod), but I gave you the freedom to solve your own problems. You aren't stuck waiting on me. :)

New response