Asphalt Roads Patched

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas. Original mod by Arcitos patched for 2.0.

2 months ago

i [Implemented] Speed boost over Refined Concrete

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Hey there. As the title suggests, we should have a reason to use asphalt over reinforced concrete besides the aesthetic one. May I suggest 175% with an option to change the speed bonus in settings? Aditionally, how about making the 175% speed for vehicles only while the player gets the normal 150% that the reinforced concrete also brings? I'd also think it goes in line with the gaps in the texture of the reinforced concrete that may suggest that it is a bumpier ride for vehicles on concrete than on asphalt. I just think it all goes along nicely. Thank you for the mod ;)
Kind regards, Alin.

4 months ago

Hey there. As the title suggests, we should have a reason to use asphalt over reinforced concrete besides the aesthetic one. May I suggest 175% with an option to change the speed bonus in settings? Aditionally, how about making the 175% speed for vehicles only while the player gets the normal 150% that the reinforced concrete also brings? We could have a setting for both. I'd also think it goes in line with the gaps in the texture of the reinforced concrete that may suggest that it is a bumpier ride for vehicles on concrete than on asphalt. I just think it all goes along nicely. Thank you for the mod ;)
Kind regards, Alin.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

There actually is a speed boost with asphalt, although I think the speed boost is somewhere around 37% over refined concrete. As for walking speed they are the same.

I'll add settings for these, I think making them configurable is a good idea.

JSYK, the walking speed modifier is a multiplier, meaning that the default 1.5 is 150% walking speed. For vehicles, the speed modifier is actually a friction modifier (default 0.5 over refined concrete's 0.8), meaning lower values will increase not only speed but also acceleration; and different vehicles will be affected differently by this modififer. The defaults for these settings will be the same as the currrent hard-coded values.

4 months ago

I've just uploaded a version that has config settings.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

You're the man, MrFastZombie guy. :D

4 months ago

I might need to allow lower values on the friction modifier, let me know how it works for you!

New response