Asphalt Roads Patched

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas. Original mod by Arcitos patched for 2.0.

2 months ago

b [Solved] Blueprint issue

4 months ago

When creating blueprint all variants of asphalt are converted to default asphalt losing all markings. Weirdly while hovering the road to create a blueprint the correct type and amount is shown but once selected the blueprint modal only shows the default asphalt.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Thanks for letting me know! I found the issue. I guess in 2.0 the mining result dictates what actually ends up in the blueprint, and in the previous versions of the mod the mining result was plain asphalt.

Fixing this will have the side effect of the painted tiles dropping themselves when mined, which some people might prefer anyways. JSYK you will still be able to reconvert tiles back to normal asphalt by holding them on your cursor and pressing "J" by default.

I'll work on fixing this, and push out an update most-likely later today unless some unforeseen issue pops up. Apologies for any inconveniences with this issue.

4 months ago

I encountered an additional related issue, so this may take longer than expected.

4 months ago

Okey take your time. Thanks for keeping this mod alive!

4 months ago

I just uploaded an update. It may take up to 15 minutes for it to show in the in-game mod manager. Please let me know if it works!

4 months ago

It works thanks!

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