Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

i Collaboration for compatibility with Krastorio 2

4 years ago

Hi Arcitos,
some users report me bugs when our mods interact. For fix this bug I need the list (table of strings) of names (obviously the internal names) of all tiles added by ur mod, I tried to extract it myself but because I see that ur generate the tiles with iterations and many property definition, I prefer have the list from the author to be sure of considering all tiles. If u prefer give me a code that generete the list instead of give me a hand defined list, is equal to me if the result is the same.
Thank u for ur attention.

4 years ago

Hi Linver,
yes, doing this is kind of non-trivial. I created a list of all tiles and hope this helps:
This list has all internal names of tiles introduced by asphalt roads in squared brackets. Removing them is easier than adding them so I hope this will save you some time.
Please keep up your great work with Krastorio 2, it has been a long time since I was really playing Factorio instead of just modding it :)

4 years ago

I can't seem to run these mods together anyway. After adding Dectorio, there's just too many tiles. :(

4 years ago

If you have more than 255 tiles active, you should try to disable some of the road marking tiles via mod settings. Disabling all double line marking for example will free up 24 tile prototypes. Maybe enough for your mod configuration :)
PS: Only Krastorio 2 + Dectorio + Asphalt Roads will work fine. Do you use Alien Biomes?

4 years ago

I can add to your data that I get the excess tile crash when I run Krastorio 2 + Asphalt Roads + Alien Biomes (with High-Res Terrain).

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Guys please, be patient and read carefully the message provided by K2:

Warning! Have been installed too much mods that add tiles.
Due the Factorio engine limitation, Factorio can't load more than 255 different tile types. One or more mods, that add tiles to the game, must be disabled.
(This is not a bug, it's a fact, don't report this to mod developers).

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