Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

b [Fixed] Bio industries incompatable?

5 years ago

asphalt roads is saying bio industries is incompatable. help?

5 years ago

any update on this?

5 years ago

So while there is no official update, you can change in info.json dependicies for Bio industries to "?Bio_Industries >= 0.18". Hope there is no more changes needed and it will not crash the game :)

5 years ago

The same question, it shows that "bio_industries>=2.0.3 is needed", or not it will be incompatible. Looking forward to an update. Thanks a lot.

5 years ago

The same question, it shows that "bio_industries>=2.0.3 is needed", or not it will be incompatible. Looking forward to an update. Thanks a lot.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

As collaborator on BI, I'm also interested in getting this fixed. Seems like the dependencies of Asphalt Roads haven't been changed in a long time, while BI has changed to a new versioning scheme (corresponding to the Factorio version: 0.17.x, 0.18.x) more than a year ago.

I haven't really used Asphalt Roads lately (no time for playing, mod is active but technology not researched yet), but changing the dependency does prevent crashes on startup. Also, I don't really see how BI should break Asphalt Roads -- if anything bad happens after you change the dependency in your games, please let me know! :-)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi everyone, this error should now be fixed. I removed the version number from the dependency to Bio_Industries and made the recipe changes dynamic. This way problems like this should no longer arise in the future.

I'm sorry, this took me way to long to fix (Also thanks to some virus boi). Thank you for your patience :-)
For those who are using the stable 0.17 branch: There will be another update for 0.17 very soon.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi! Sorry for never responding in such a long time, and thanks for fixing this! :-)

I've been playing with the idea to add a tar recipe to Bio Industries for those players who use BI and Asphalt Roads, but don't have Wood Gasification. Would you mind adding tar also if BI is active?

My plan was to add the new recipe to the 0.18/1.0 branch of BI and use it in the 1.1 branch as well. Judging from my experience with Factorio 0.178/0.18, quite a lot of players will probably continue to use Factorio 0.18/1.0 because that is the stable version for now, so it would make sense to continue supporting it.

Thanks for considering this! :-D

New response