Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

i can there be a way to turn "painted asphalt" into normal asphalt so you dont lose asphalt

5 years ago

read the title

5 years ago

Thanks for this suggestion, adding such a functionality is possible.
If there would be a function to do this, would you like to have this function in a seperate mod or integrated into this one?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

a long time ago (0.15? thus i don't remember any details) there was a mod that for some types of tiles was able to convert them back to their base tile by having them on the cursor and pressing "J".

since there are several mods now which have similar problems (eg all the markers in LogiCarts, all the different types of colored and striped concrete in several mods, etc), i would like to have such a general function, and that of course should be a separate mod so that it can be mixed and combined with any set of this and/or other mods.

but i have no idea how this can be made to work easily with many different tiles and mods (maybe some API in that new mod where all interested mods can somehow register their tiles and list your new mod as an optional dependency?). else (if it works ONLY with the asphalt of this mod) it probably would be best to include it in this mod.

ps: i might have found a very tiny bug in this mod. when i had installed its optional dependencies, the "Wood-Gasification" was still shown in orange and not white, and clicking the arrow in front of it couldn't find it. i believe that the reason is simple: that mod is named "Wood_Gasification" :-) :-(
not tested, but i think that also for "Bio-Industries", the correct name would be "Bio_Industries" ...

5 years ago

Ok, I'll think about adding such functionality to improve QoL.

Thanks for pointing out the typo in the list of mod dependencies! Dash/Underline mistakes are almost as fun as those sneaky "0"/"O" ones. ;-)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hi Ansons, please check out the recent update - it adds a new feature: You may revert tiles you're holding in your cursor back into their basic tile type by pressing "J" (default setting). This works for vanilla colored concrete, asphalt and other mod provided colored tiles as long as they are made of either stone, concrete oder refined concrete.

I hope this little QOL feature helps :)

Edit: Fixed both dependency typos, thanks for your hint!

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